[Actionchix] Final Two Design Mockups

Gayathri Swaminathan gayathri.swa at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 01:16:08 UTC 2008

#1 , dig those earthly color tones :)

On Jan 28, 2008 12:22 PM, Tricia Bowen <tricia.bowen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> These are the final two design mockups for chixbits. Please vote on which
> one you'd like to see by Feb. 1st. The design isn't written in stone, so
> we
> can change it in the future. This should be easy, since our presentation
> layer is separate from our content.
> Choices:
> 1: http://magazine.linuxchix.org/misc/chix1.png
> 2: http://magazine.linuxchix.org/misc/chix2.png
> I vote for 2. I'll post the final results next Monday.
> --Tricia

Gayathri Swaminathan
gpgkey: 3EFB3D39
Volunteer, FDP

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