[techtalk] ... DNS servers

Walt pippin at fred.net
Tue Apr 10 09:06:08 EST 2001

At 10:37 PM 4/10/01 +1000, Mary wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 06:21:26AM -0400, Walt wrote:
> > Also, InterNIC doesn't check for
> > authoritativeness, in my experience... Not
> > 100% sure about that, maybe it does only
> > on the primary DNS but it didn't seem to
> > on the secondary.
>I've never checked this out for sure, but I have heard that they *may*.
>The reason is that I wanted to set up djbdns to both nameserve for our network
>and cache (extensive details at puzzling.org/help.html if anyone wants to 
>and the upshot is you can do this, but the cache will never return 
>answers for *anything* (apparently it's just a bit set or not in the relevant
>packet), and apparently registrars have bugged people about this.

A cache cannot return an authoritative
answer; an authoritative answer means
it is directly from the SOA.

(I think... :-)



     Behind every great man is a woman with nothing to wear.
                         Grant Glickman

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