[Techtalk] What it takes... (new security article)

Megan Golding meggolding at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 14 03:19:02 EST 2002

Hello Chix!

I excited to announce I've just published an article about building a
network security team, called "What it takes to build a security
team". Chix Raven Alder and Michelle Murrain are quoted, along with a
co-worker of mine. 

Many thanks to Raven and Michelle for their input!

Here is an excerpt:
"Network security is a priority for an increasing number of
companies. For some organizations, it makes sense to keep the
security experts on staff, and for others, outsourcing to find
security expertise is the answer. Before you can make the decision to
manage security internally or outsource it, you should have a good
idea of what it takes to build out a security team and keep the
members on top of their game. This article explores what it takes to
build a team to help your organization make a decision about whether
to go in-house or outsource network security monitoring and

Read the full article:

Meg Golding

Meg Golding    |    http://www.kalamitykat.com

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