[Techtalk] Setting up Sendmail for relaying to ISP

Magni Onsoien magnio+lc-techtalk at pvv.ntnu.no
Wed Dec 11 11:40:33 EST 2002

On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 12:00:19PM -0500, Jennifer Davis said:
> My ISP, Bell Sympatico, decided a while back to block port 25 to all
> servers except their own.  This is not a big deal, except now I have
> volunteered to host a mailing list and I assume that I need to configure
> it so that the outbound traffic goes through their servers.
> I had it set up before I upgraded my OS to Slack 8.1, so I know its
> doable, I just foret how.  My internet searches have proved that I am
> clueless when it comes to this.  Are there any tutorials in plain English
> (or French) that can help me with this?

This is called using a smart host, so you have to tell sendmail to do that.
Look for a line starting with DS, probably with a comment about smart
relay server or something like that (that's what it's called in a RedHat


(i.e. DS<servername>)

Restart sendmail and it should work.

Magni :)
sash is very good for you.

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