[Techtalk] Screenshots and Movie Player

priya venkateshan priyaven at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 05:09:16 UTC 2007

Hi, all
Sometimes when i watch videos, i pause it and take a screenshot of a cool
camera angle, or a close-up of a star's face or suchlike things. While this
works fine on Windows, it doesn't work when i try the same with Movie Player
which comes along with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn. I get a shot of the entire screen
where everything is fine except that the area playing the video is blank.
while this doesn't inconvenience me greatly, im curious to know why this
happens only on linux and not on windows, and if there is a possible way to
remedy it.
any ideas?

The reward for hardwork is only more hardwork. Everything else comes under
Priya Venkateshan,
IV B.Tech, InfoTech,
NITK Suratkal
Blogging at http://thenitknumbskulls.wordpress.com

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