[Techtalk] PDFedit is so slow...

Emma Rath emma at kiddiesgames.com
Tue Nov 4 11:46:30 UTC 2008

Hi Girls,

I'm trying to use my Ubuntu Linux 7.10 for all my computing needs. 

I'm editing a PDF file using PDFedit 0.3.1 that I installed from the
Add/Remove... function in the Ubuntu toolbar. I see that the latest
version of PDFedit is 0.4.1

PDFedit is so slow when I add text. Does anyone know why? Is there
anything I can do to make it faster? I have a fast machine.

I started to install PDFedit 0.4.1, but configure didn't work - I have
to find and install a bunch of other stuff (boost, qt3) that I don't
know what they are or where they are. Don't want to spend a lot of time
to do that and then end up with a new version of PDFedit that is still
just as slow.

Or can anyone recommend another PDF editing tool?

Any ideas would be appreciated,


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